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Zillow Data Exporterdoes not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability for, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any material displayed through theZillow Data Exporterextension or it's website.
Zillow Data Exporter is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from any action taken or reliance made by you on any information or material displayed through the extension or it's website.
Zillow Data Exporter is not responsible for the use of abuse of the data exported via Zillow Data Exporter or it's website. You are solely responsible for any use or abuse of the data and you are solely responsible for making sure that you comply with all applicable laws.
Zillow Data Exporter is not a data broker nor a data provider. We do not sell data. We provide you with a tool to export data from Zillow but what you do with this data is your responsibility.
No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. The trademarks and websitezillow.combelong to their respective owners and neitherZillow Data Exporteror we are affiliated with them in any way.
This extension is a third party product and is not officially created by or related tozillow.com™.

Export property listings from Zillow to CSV or Excel in one click.

Thousands of investors, businesses and real estate agents use Zillow Data Exporter to export property listings from Zillow to CSV or Excel in one click. Try it for free today.